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wastewater irrigation中文是什么意思

用"wastewater irrigation"造句"wastewater irrigation"怎么读"wastewater irrigation" in a sentence


  • 污灌
  • 污水灌溉


  • Effect of em application in wastewater irrigation on yield of cabbage and soil fertility
  • The effect of long - term organic wastewater irrigation on the soil nitrogen - fixing bacteria population
  • Pollution characteristics of n - alkane in groundwater of typical wastewater irrigation areas around shenyang city
  • Based on the investigation and research in shijiazhuang , the losses of wastewater irrigation are estimated
  • The results show that the economic losses from the wastewater irrigation amount to about 57 % of agricultural crops , and the losses from the pollution effects on the public health amount to about 62 % of the total losses
    结果表明:污灌带来的经济损失占当地农作物收成的57 % ,对人体健康影响的经济损失占总经济损失的62 % 。
  • According to the requirements of cost - benefit analysis , and based on the existing approach of addition of various expense direct from the receptor items , approachs of preventive expenditure and treatment expenditure are presented to evaluate the economic losses of environmental impacts of wastewater irrigation
用"wastewater irrigation"造句  
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